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Vernon Chew Thian Chai

Vernon Chew Thian Chai For the safety of any person who got contacted by this man Vernon Chew Thian Chai who asked for monetary help. Kindly be very careful on what and how you're going to help him. Vernon Chew Thian Chai has been known for telling 'stories' that makes you believe he need urgent help and usually need you to transfer/bank in money $$$ to him. His Hong Leong Bank Account Number : 29951061223 (Don't ever transfer money to this account) This post is to share, give awareness and also to gather more information in case you are a victim of this fraud highly related to Vernon Chew Thian Chai . Would love to hear your story and hopefully can help each other in near future. Vernon Chew Thian Chai This are the photos Vernon shared across to his victim as an assurance that he will return the money. We all know the result, he never return any money but will only ask for more monetary help. Vernon usually targeting elderly people esp...

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