[SHOW OFF] Hold 起之秀 Talent Search Grand Final 2013

[Behind L-R] Contestant F2 Stella Tan, F1 Go Hwee Theng, Mr. Wong Wei Chong, Mr. Andrew Low, Baki Zainal, Wincci Soo, F3 Zhareen, Dato Chan Chee Fai, Winson, M1 Ng Kok Koon, Mr. Kenny Chin and Mr. Joseph Teo
[Front L-R] M2 Mah Zheng Wen, F4 Karmun Ooi, M5 Terry Wong and M3 Lau Soong Huey

Proudly presented by Magnum and organized by Mega Ultimate, [SHOW OFF] Talent Search 2013 has successfully ended! The Top 9 Female and Male finalists showed off the best of their talents at 2pm 30th June 2013, Viva Home Shopping Mall and M1 Ng Kok Koon successfully won the title of Show Off Male Winner and F3 Zhareen as the Show Off Female Winner, whom both walked away with RM5000 cash prize from Magnum, Platinum Member Card worth RM3000 from Neway CEO and Skincare products worth RM1000 by Skincode!

[SHOW OFF] Talent Search Grand Final 2013
Pole dance @ [SHOW OFF] Talent Search Grand Final 2013

F3 Zhareen as the Show Off Female Winner,

On top of that, the Female Winner F4 Zhareen and Male Winner M1 Kok Koon also fought for the title of Show Off Champion and with the talent of Wushu, Kok Koon walked away an additional RM1000 cash prize from Magnum and became the Champion of [SHOW OFF] Talent Search 2013! Apart from the main awards, F4 Karmun Ooi won the title of “The Best Supporter” and walked away with RM300 cash prize while M2 Mah Zheng Wen was the winner of “The Most Improved Talent”, who walked away with RM300 cash prize, presented by Magnum.
[SHOW OFF] Talent Search Grand Final 2013 judges
Judges of [SHOW OFF] Talent Search Grand Final 2013

The five judges of [SHOW OFF] Talent Search 2013 comprised of talented and experienced persons in their respective fields, Andrew Loo, founder of Spotlite Magazine; Baki Zainal, Malaysia’s famous TV host; Wincci Soo and Winson Won, Malaysia’s famous singer and last but not least Wong Wei Chong, Business Development Director of Mega Ultimate. Meanwhile, besides acting the judges of the show, Wincci and Winson also performed during the grand finale to entertain the audiences.

Winson Won performed at Show Off Talent Search Grand Final 2013
Winson Won performed at Show Off Talent Search Grand Final 2013

[SHOW OFF] Talent Search 2013 is proudly brought to you by Magnum, Mega Ultimate as the organiser, Spotlite as Co - organiser, and One FM as the official radio station. Other sponsors are Neway CEO as official Karaoke, Fly FM as supporting radio station, Big Monsterz as media associate, Viva Home Shopping Mall as Official Venue and Special Thanks to Skincode.

Female Top 4 Finalists:
1.      Go Hwee Theng (Pole Dance) 
2.      Stella Tan Sin Yee (Belly Dance)
3.      Zhareen (Singing)
4.      Ooi Karmun (Singing)

Male Top 5 Finalists:
1.      Ng Kok Koon (Wushu)
2.      Mah Zheng Wen (Diabolo)
3.      Lau Soong Huey (Beatbox)
4.      Mohd Shariff Bin Jaffren (Singing)
5.      Terry Wong (Freestyle Dance) 


Stella Tan Sin Yee (Belly Dance) [SHOW OFF] Talent Search Grand Final 2013

Crowd at [SHOW OFF] Talent Search Grand Final 2013
Ng Kok Koon (Wushu) @ [SHOW OFF] Talent Search Grand Final 2013

The Best supporter [SHOW OFF] Talent Search Grand Final 2013

The most improved talent [SHOW OFF] Talent Search Grand Final 2013

Female Winner won RM9,000 Cash
[SHOW OFF] Talent Search Grand Final 2013

Ng Kok Koon  Battle Champion won RM1,000 cash prizes
[SHOW OFF] Talent Search Grand Final 2013

由MAGNUM万能荣誉呈现,Mega Ultimate 主办『Show off』hold 起之秀总决赛终于圆满结束!经过千挑万选,『Show off』hold 起之秀9强人马在Viva Home Shopping Mall舞台上使出浑身解数,呈现他们最精彩拿手的才艺,最后M1吴国坤以精彩及搞笑的武术夺下男冠军宝座,而F3Zhareen凭着高哼的美声夺下女冠军宝座,将总价值高达9千零吉的奖金奖品带回家。而男女冠军对垒总冠军环节,M1吴国坤得到了评审们的青睐,获得了『Show off』hold 起之秀2013的总冠军!

从半决赛脱颖而出的5男4女在总决赛的舞台上展现独有的才华,争夺『Show off』hold 起之秀的冠军头衔。胜出的男女冠军可赢取RM5000现金奖, Neway 送出总价值RM3000的白金会员卡以及Skincode 送出总价值RM1000总奖金高达RM9000的奖金奖品!除了冠军头衔,主办单位也特设了现场人气奖,F4嘉文成功获得现场观众的青睐,赢取RM300奖金成为现场人气王!而M2 政文也荣获卓越进步奖的殊荣,赢取RM300现金奖。

9强人马当中,每一位皆有个人的才华,女生组有F1慧婷性感的钢管舞表演、F2 Stella的火辣的肚皮舞、F3 Zhareen友族同胞的歌唱表演、F4嘉文的自弹自唱,而F4更为了这次表演首次自行编曲,充分展现了多才多艺的一面。而男生组更是精彩绝伦,有M1 国坤刚强有力的武术表演、M2政文惊心动魄的扯铃、M3 Soong Huey精彩的口技Beatbox、M4 Mohd Shariif友族同胞飙海豚音以及M5 Terry搞笑的嘻哈舞蹈。

评审阵容强大,其中包括Spotlite诚人志创办人Andrew Low, Mega Ultimate 业务发展部总监王伟聪,八度空间著名主持人Baki Zainal,著名歌手Wincci 苏盈之以及Winson温胜光。Wincci 苏盈之以及Winson温胜光同时也担任表演嘉宾,为『Show off』hold 起之秀高歌表演助兴。

『Show off』hold 起之秀是由MAGNUM万能荣誉呈现,Mega Ultimate 主办,Spotlite 诚人志为协办单位,One Fm为指定电台,Fly Fm以及Big Monterz为媒体伙伴,Neway 以及CEO 为指定卡拉OK,Viva Home Shopping Mall为指定场地,特别鸣谢Skincode。

